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Narrative Reel

When I was young, I would watch Hitchcock movies, and I would find myself leaning in my seat, attempting to peer around a corner or see what's obscured. In other words, I was gripped and lost myself in the thrills and suspense. Still to this day I love the art of suspense. I love taking the characters perspective and sucking the audience in so they simply forget their watching a movie. 


Sadly, cinema has really lost it's way. It seems like most shows and films these days would rather preach at their audience instead of connect with them, and if it's not that it's another reboot, remake, sequel, or super-hero movie. It's become a redundant landscape of noise. 


Fortunately, there is a small crowd of filmmakers out there that actually tell good stories, relatable stories, and manage to somehow make original films. Our goal at JDC Ent. is to join those few, and make something great.

- Jordan Daniel Chesney

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